Book Club christian gardening healthy eating home garden home improvement journaling journals

Good Morning! Everyone enjoy your weekend and be safe!

christian diy dollar tree family gardening inspiration journaling journals

Good Morning Friends!

Book Club christian diy dollar tree family gardening healthy eating home improvement inspiration journaling journals motivation religion savings challenge stress relief

Good Morning! What side hustle do you have?

What side hustle do you have?

Hey friends! What are you all doing to get extra money? I am looking for a new side hustle that will bring in enough money to pay down my student loans. Am I the only person that is irritated with student loans? I feel like I will be paying off my student loans fifty years from now…..smh! I need to come up with a plan to pay down my debt because I don’t like looking at the balance. If you have a good side hustle, please let me know in the comments! Also please visit my websites @ & for custom writing journals and digital savings challenge downloads! Every enjoy your day and be safe!

Book Club christian dollar tree gardening home garden inspiration journaling motivation religion savings challenge stress relief work from home office

Good Morning & Happy Friday!

Book Club christian dollar tree family gardening inspiration motivation religion stress relief Uncategorized work from home office writing

Good Morning!

Hello my people! How many of us focus more on doing things that make everyone happy and forget about our own happiness? We build our life around the kids, our spouse and even our parents happiness! When my children were coming up, my life revolved around them as it should but what about me? Now that my kids are grown and living on their own, I was still thinking about them and the grandkids out of habit! This is crazy! This was a hard habit that had to be broken so now that I am over fifty…it’s all about me and what I want! May today and every day about doing what makes you happy! Everyone have a good day and be blessed! Please visit our website @ & https://mskimmybcustomthings.etsy.comfor buy 1 and get one free sale on all custom writing journals!

Good Morning! Enoy your day!


Good Morning!

christian dollar tree gardening home garden home improvement inspiration journaling journals motivation religion Uncategorized work from home office writing

Good Morning & Happy Monday!!


Good Morning & Happy Father’s Day!

christian dollar tree gardening healthy eating home garden inspiration journaling motivation savings challenge stress relief work from home office

Good Morning & Happy Friday!